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Retail Design Fictions

Envision the future what retail stores might look like in 10-15 years, while exploring how Zebra Technologies can prepare for these changes.


Co-Team Lead/ Member 



January 2023-

May 2023

Skills Used 

- Interviewing 

- Observations

- Research 

- Primary research 

- Concept Ideation 

- Sketching 







Ethan Bartucca

Brooke Miller

Justin Lee

Grace Combs

Soumya Krishnaraj

Esther Liu 

DianDian Lei

Elizabeth Jarrell

Featured Projects 



Problem Space 

COVID-19 hit retail hard in 2020, pushing people to shop online. Smaller stores closed, big ones improved their online shopping. Now, as shoppers return to physical stores, they want online-style convenience.



1. Understand key elements of in-person shopping and identify the aspects most valued by shoppers.

2. Investigate the present state of advanced technologies in retail environments and brainstorm potential future advancements.

3. Create and conceptualize concepts for Zebra that showcase how shoppers will engage in physical stores over the next 10-15 years. 


Project Deliverables

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In order to gain a better understanding of the retail space, we had to start with some exploratory research to get our feet wet.

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To begin our project we first started with an activity to organize our research called a "Feasibility Matrix," where we looked at trends in physical retail shopping, like COVID, cashier-less checkout, and personalization. This matrix helped us see where we wanted our project to focus. 


Here are the three subjects our team decided to concentrate on for creating design fictions: 


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Our first sprint focuses on try on experience of customers in store. 

The second sprint is focusing on enhancing the work experience of store employees by optimizing their tasks to better serve customers

The third sprint concentrates on how customers can seamlessly checkout to improve their experience 

Research Observation 

Throughout the project we continuously researched and observed. During an observations we visited our local mall to observe the stores environments and employees while they work. 

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After observing we laid out our findings. 

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Process Outline

Featured Projects 

Sprint 0: Understanding the Background


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Zebra Technologies Products 

Sprint 1: Personalization in Retail and Changing Rooms 


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Round Table Sketching 

Sprint 2: Improving Employee Experience  


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Sketching ideas 

Sprint 3: Seamless Checkout Process


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AI Generated Checkout Arch Way 

Final Designs 

Featured Projects 

Our project consisted of three main phases: 

- In the first phase, we improved the customer shopping experience through innovations like Hologram Mannequin Displays and Virtual Try-ons.

- In the second phase, we focused on enhancing employee working conditions with technology, such as the Central Employee Lounge and the All-in-One Employee Interface.

- Finally, in the third phase, we streamlined the checkout process with user-friendly solutions like auto-bagging checkout stands and RFID checkout arches to boost customer satisfaction and reduce employee turnover.

Our group created a interactive map on Figma. 

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Virtual Fitting Room

The virtual mirrors allow customers to see how clothes look on them without physically trying on the clothes.

Traditional fitting rooms often take a long time to try on items and can be tiring for shoppers.
The virtual mirror makes the try-on experience faster and less exhausting, but still private.

Scan clothing item to device while in the store.
Sync device to mirror in fitting room.
Try on item virtually through mirror.
Save items you love and delete those you don’t.

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Hologram Mannequin Display

These displays will be situated around the store to display clothes in an advanced and interactive way.

Traditional mannequins only display one outfit and must be physically changed by employees. They also only show the one mannequin body type.

Displays always on rotating clothes.
Customer can interact and choose clothes to display by using their phone.
Customer can opt in to give their data so mannequin looks like them.

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Central Help Desk 

This desk moves employees to the center of the store for convenient access to help, and provides a more communal experience for the employees

We designed this to give employees a more fulfilling experience. By making their standing area into a come and go hub, they can help those who want it and spend more time training or relaxing with coworkers.


1.  Mobile P.O.S Systems in Hub

2.  Connects with Help Buttons to let employees know where to assist customers
3.  Comfortable Seating in a visible location
4.  Enables customers to ask for help, rather than employees offering; streamlines workload


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Avatar Mirror Display

Big mirror for customer. You can push the button on the avatar to call the worker if you need any help. (Avatar will not always be there to block your eyesight). You can also wave your hand to call the avatar out.

Customers can have fun when they are using the mirror. Also will be easier to call for the help anywhere. Worker can have their own avatar image to show their personality.

1.  L
ook at the mirror and use it as you want (try on...)
2.  Waving hand to call the worker’s avatar out.
3.  Push the button on the avatar to ask for help.


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Seamless Checkout

This checkout process will be used instore to allow customers to conveniently check out. This system will allow customers to walk out of the store with out haven’t scan items manually. 

The current checkout process is tedious and can cause a lot of backup in store. With this no touchpoint checkout process, efficient shopping is much more achievable.

1.  Items scanned through RFID tags on clothes after walking through door frame  
2.  Notification comes up on customers phone and chose payment on phone. 
3.  Confirm payment with employee and walk out 

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As we designed and brainstormed, we loved the freedom to imagine the future of retail without limits, sparking team creativity. But picking what to focus on and testing our creative ideas were tricky. Still, these challenges made our design journey exciting, pushing the limits. Despite the hurdles, our diverse team worked well together, bringing different experiences to the table. We're grateful to our sponsors, professors, and the UK team for their guidance and resources, helping us grow as UX designers through this project.

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