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Kroger Chef




February 2023-

March 2023

Skills Used 

- Interviewing 

- Primary research 

- Ideation 


- Wire Framing 

- Task Flow




Design and create an experience that grocery stores could use to support the engagement and delight of grocery shopping, while encouraging in store shopping. 



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Co-Team Lead  



Hope Jang 

Avery Dellinger

Paxton Bachman

Preston Fu

My Role 

In this project, I conducted interviews, analyzed data, created sketches, and collaborated on enhancing the app's user experience. My efforts focused on improving engagement and delight in grocery shopping, ensuring the final product was intuitive and user-friendly.


Covid-19 caused a change in grocery shopping. Many people enjoy shopping online and getting groceries delivered to there house or picking them up from the store. Many grocery stores now offer their own shopping and delivery services, making it possible to shop without ever setting foot in the store. Although, this is convenient for a lot of people it does effect the grocery stores can be negatively impacted from the slow foot traffic in-store. In this project we focus on how to get people more interested in grocery shopping and allow shoppers to be engagement and delight from grocery shopping while encouraging in-store shopping. 



My team started by brainstorming ideas that we thought would bring people in store. From there we all interviewed people to figured out what people like and dislike while grocery shopping. 


After conducting a few interviews, we found that people enjoy shopping online because of its convenience and efficacy. We also found that some shoppers prefer in-store shopping due to the flexibility of choice and the sense of control. We also found that many inexperienced shoppers find in-store shopping intimidating, often causing them to buy a lot of the same items and refusing to branch out to new ingredients.

Common responses from interviewees: 

  • Enjoy efficacy and efficiency

  • Prefer shopping with lists

  • Prefer to see & pick out their own produce

  • Prefer to compare prices/brands in person



After researching, interviewing college students we decided to focus on grocery shoppers who want to cook or try new foods in a flexible, informed manner by providing an app that allows them to easily explore and save new recipes and ingredients. This will help shoppers explore the store in person while learning about ingredients, recipes, and cooking tips.

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Considerations: after determining our user group and proposed solution, we brainstormed features and personalization options for our app to address some of their main needs.

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Early sketches to brainstorm what features we want to add, 

as well as visualization of the user-interface.

Task Flow and Wire Framing 

Creating a task flow and wire framing chart helped my team map out the user's journey while using the Kroger Chef app.  This helped us ensure our design was seamless and intuitive to our user experience by identifying potential usability issues and provide a framework for testing and refining the app's design.

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Our task flow diagram that helped us determine what screens we needed to create for the wireframing and our final prototype.

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Further exploration of the app’s user interface through more detailed wireframing.

Evaluation â€‹
Desk Review

Post-pandemic trends: 

  •  Increase in people trying out new foods or recipes that they see online 

  • Increase in health consciousness and food transparency that has led to more people cooking at home.




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The graphs shown above shed a light on the positive effect recipe apps will have on the food market, based on data from approved websites such as Verified Market Research and Food Navigator USA

Research proves that cooking and grocery shopping remain popular in 2023 as proven through this research. Research shows that recipe apps are still being used nowadays and will be predicted to grow by 759 million. This shows that there is still a need for new cooking apps; therefore, Kroger Chef app should be needed. 

Final Idea 

Kroger Chef is a inclusive cooking that allows for inexperienced cooks or people who want to explore new recipes to enjoy the experience by browsing recipes on the app, extensive variety of recipe and ingredient options, saving items to your online cookbook, and conveniently having ingredients to add to your shopping list. This allows shoppers to have one place to store all there cooking needs. While they are shopping or viewing recipes the app will provide the user with tips of how to cook, different substitutions, and all things cooking. 

Final Prototypes 

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These are some examples of some pages shown on the Kroger Chef app. User can easily personalize their feed and view recipes. While in store they can pull up their checklist to make sure they get all the ingredients needed  for the preferred recipe. 

Re-Imagined StoryBoard



- Kroger Chef will help inexperienced cooks and those eager to learn about cooking.
- Unique features like food restrictions and serving size set us apart from competitors.
- Our app fosters confidence in cooking for novices.
- An easy shopping list streamlines recipe experimentation.
- Peer feedback helped pinpoint strengths and weaknesses, enhancing our design.

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